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Problems with mobile keys at Portti54 and Tikkarinne gyms

11.3.2025 klo 11:05

The mobile keys at Portti54 and Tikkarinne gyms have not been working since Friday afternoon 7.3. last week. Contrary to previous information, the problem is not with Stanley, but with the Lukoton app. The bug in the app has now been located and the version of the app that was fixed can be updated as […]

SYKETTÄ Joensuu website is working again

10.3.2025 klo 16:54

SYKETTÄ Joensuu website is working again after the outage. It was not possible to inform about the outage via the SYKETTÄ website, because it was not possible to make any changes to the website or add new news. You can now en...

Sports afternoon 25.2.2025

4.2.2025 klo 14:26

Sports afternoon of spring 2025 will be held on Tuesday 25.2.2025. The UEF and Karelia UAS hold a sports afternoon together and by the decision of the university rectors, the sports afternoon is lecture-free from 12:15pm. On s...

SYKETTÄ physical activity tests on sports afternoon 25.2.2025

31.1.2025 klo 14:15

SYKETTÄ will organize the physical activity tests in cooperation with Sports Institute of Eastern Finland (ISLO), Pohjois-Karjalan Liikunta ry (Pokali, sports and exercise expert organization of Eastern Finland), learning and ser...

Free trial period has ended – don’t forget to purchase a SYKETTÄ sticker

16.1.2025 klo 09:54

All users must have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker from Thursday 16.1.2025 on when using the services. You can buy the sticker on our online shop or via the mobile application (Finnish bank account is required). Download the SYKETTÄ mo...
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