Sports afternoon of spring 2023 will be held on Tuesday 21.2.2023!
Kirjoitettu: 31.1.2023 12:21
Sports afternoon on 21.2.2023 
Sports afternoon of spring 2023 will be held on Tuesday 21.2.2023. UEF and Karelia UAS hold a sports afternoon together and by the decision of the university rectors, the sports afternoon is lecture-free from 12:15pm. On sports afternoon, a wide variety of different exercise options are available for students and staff members. SYKETTÄ sticker is not required to participate in sports afternoon.
All classes and turns in SYKETTÄ sports calendar on 21.2. are also included in sports afternoon programme. To participate in classes and turns in sports calendar on sports afternoon, you must be registered as a user and enroll on classes and turns.
The sports afternoon programme is now published! The program will be updated after the publication and changes to the program may be possible. Enrollment times are event-specific and enrollments via SYKETTÄ sports calendar start one week before the event.