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Schedules for the end of the year

22.11.2022 klo 09:15

– Group exercise classes of autumn will end on 4.12.2022 (classes organized by JoenVoLi continue until 16.12.) – Ball sports and regular turns of autumn will end on 14.12.2022 – Tulliportinkatu school is out of use during 15.12.2022-8.1.2023 – Länsikatu school is out of use during 15.12.2022-8.1.2023 – Badminton turns have been added to Mehtimäki […]

Electronic keys and door codes for the gyms

21.11.2022 klo 10:07

In the future, electronic keys and door codes for all gyms will be requested on a separate form. You can use the form to request access to both the new Portti54 gym and the Joensuu Areena gym. The physical electronic keys of the T...

Student – Welcome to experience exciting Biathlon in Kontiolahti!

16.11.2022 klo 13:35

The Biathlon World Cup is organized in Kontiolahti during 29.11.-4.12.2022. All UEF and Karelia UAS students can watch the games at a super low price of only 10 € per day (norm. 30 € per day) during the 29.11.-1.12.2022. 700 f...

Badminton tournament 2022

10.11.2022 klo 18:55

Welcome to SYKETTÄ Bandminton Tournament on 26th of November in Länsikatu School. The tournament is open for all SYKETTÄ users!The tournament will consists of a women’s division and a men’s division. Be sure to register ...

Physical activity tests for the students and staff members

7.11.2022 klo 09:36

SYKETTÄ organizes physical activity tests for the students and staff members of the Karelia University of Applied Sciences and the University of Eastern Finland on Monday 28.11.2022 at 2pm-4pm in Joensuu Areena. Test day is open ...
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