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Sports calendar for spring season 2025 is now published

12.12.2024 klo 13:45

The spring sports calendar is mostly based on the autumn sports calendar, but there are also a few new classes and old favorite classes. New classes are pole acrobatics, aerial hoop, kickboxing and ashtanga yoga. Pump, aerial yoga and singing bowl and relaxation classes will make a return to the sports calendar. The selection of […]

Notice: VAT increase’s impact to SYKETTÄ sticker prices

4.12.2024 klo 13:40

Dear users, Value-added tax (VAT) will increase from 10% to 14% starting 1.1.2025. As a result of this change, we will need to raise the prices of SYKETTÄ stickers. The new prices will be valid from 1.1.2025, as follows: -...

Schedules for the end of the year

25.11.2024 klo 14:58

- Group exercise classes of autumn will end on 5.12.2024 - Regular turns of autumn will end by 15.12.2024 - Tulliportinkatu school is out of use 12.12.2024-1.1.2025 - Länsikatu school is out of use 9.12.2024-7.1.2025 - Ball...

We are looking for new group exercise instructors for spring 2025

20.11.2024 klo 09:57

Do you want to be part of the SYKETTÄ instructing team? We are especially looking for instructors, who are able to teach a wide variety of classes. We are also open to new ideas, feel free to suggest anything! Application form...

SYKETTÄ physical activity tests on wednesday 18.9.2024

9.9.2024 klo 10:19

SYKETTÄ will organize the physical activity tests in cooperation with Sports Institute of Eastern Finland (ISLO), Pohjois-Karjalan Liikunta ry (Pokali, sports and exercise expert organization of Eastern Finland) and learning and ...
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