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SYKETTÄ is looking for new instructors for the autumn season 2021

17.6.2021 klo 13:27

Do you want to be part of the SYKETTÄ instructor team? SYKETTÄ is looking for new instructors for the autumn season 2021! Currently we are looking for instructors to instruct: – muscle tone classes (basic muscle tone classes and high intensity classes) – aerobic exercise classes – mobility and muscle conditioning classes – crosstraining – […]

SYKETTÄ and POKA’s NYT-project arranges summer trip to Kuorinka

8.6.2021 klo 14:06

SYKETTÄ and POKA's NYT-project will arrange a relaxed cycling trip to Kuorinka beach and back on Monday 21.6.2021. All Joensuu university students and the staff members of the university and Karelia UAS are welcome to the summer ...

SYKETTÄ stickers for the autumn season and the academic year 2021-2022 will be on sale 7.6.

1.6.2021 klo 08:25

You can buy SYKETTÄ stickers for the autumn season and the next academic year from 7.6. on our online shop or via the mobile application. Download the SYKETTÄ mobile application to buy and use the mobile sticker. With the...

SYKETTÄ summer 2021

17.5.2021 klo 09:49

Updated 12.8.2021 SYKETTÄ Sports Services will be opened as soon as permission is obtained. We inform you about the activities that open via Instagram and Facebook, so if you use those social media channels, you should follow ...

Sports turn application for student and staff groups 2021-2022

26.4.2021 klo 11:24

UEF and Karelia UAS student and staff groups can apply for regular turn to season 2021-2022. Sports turns will run between September 2021 - May 2022. Please note that changes and cancellations are possible. All users must have a v...
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