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SYKETTÄ On-Call Telephone

1.9.2020 klo 12:06

We have introduced the on-call telephone number for SYKETTÄ. Urgent contacts in the evenings from 6 pm to 9 pm and on weekends from 9 am to 8 pm should be made to the on-call number. You can call the emergency number during these times, for example, if the doors of the sports facilities are […]

Instructions for sports turns in SYKETTÄ Sports Services in autumn 2020

28.8.2020 klo 10:07

What are the instructions for the sports turns? All participants and instructors must be completely healthy when participating in sports turns. Everyone participating in sports turns must maintain good hand hygiene. When e...

Sports calendar for autumn season 2020 is published

17.8.2020 klo 15:24

Sports calendar for autumn season 2020 is now published! Sports selection is divided into group exercise selection and ball sports and other exercise turns selection. Group exercise classes start step-by-step from 31 August, you c...

Länsikatu and Tulliportinkatu schools are open from 1.8.

29.7.2020 klo 10:11

Länsikatu and Tulliportinkatu schools' sports halls will be available for SYKETTÄ users from 1.8. We have added many kind of open ball sports turns (badminton, volleyball, free turns etc.) into sports calendar for the first week...

Joensuu Areena is open for SYKETTÄ users

13.7.2020 klo 09:58

Joensuu Areena is open from 13.7. between Mon-Fri at 12noon-8pm. SYKETTÄ users may use the Joensuu Areena facilities (excluding the climbing wall) when they are not reserved. Visit Tilava Joensuu to view the Areena reservation ca...
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