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SYKETTÄ Appro extra classes 2-15 September 2019

23.8.2019 klo 12:16

To celebrate SYKETTÄ Appro, wonderful extra classes are available between 2 and 15 September! Many new sports classes are available, including GoFlo technique, padel and shuffle. See all the extra appro classes in the sports calendar. Monday 2 September Climbing in Ote-kiipeilykeskus at 5pm-6pm Badminton in Kuntokeidas at 6:30pm-7:30pm Tuesday 3 September GoFlo Technique Class […]

SYKETTÄ Appro 2-15 September 2019

22.8.2019 klo 16:24

Complete sports classes, get to know SYKETTÄ sports services, enjoy exercising and win fabulous prizes in SYKETTÄ Appro! SYKETTÄ Appro is a sports appro for university students in Joensuu and Kuopio. The appro is organized b...

Sports calendar for autumn season 2019 is published

14.8.2019 klo 12:19

SYKETTÄ sports calendar for autumn season 2019 is published! As a novelty, the selection is divided into 1) instructed group exercise selection and 2) other selection, including instructed and open ball sports turns, regular turn...

Summer season 2019

8.5.2019 klo 17:50

Summer season starts 4.6.2019 Gyms: Aurora is open normally Tikkarinne is open to 27.6. Areena gym is open 3.6. -20.6. and from 5.8. Check the updated opening hours here: https://tilavajoensuu.fi/onlinekalenteri/joens...

Sports turns application for student and staff groups, 2019-2020

26.4.2019 klo 14:54

UEF and KUAS student and staff groups can apply regular turn for them between 2019-2020. Sports turns will start between September 2019 - May 2020. All users must have a valid sports sticker before the services can be used. Eac...
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