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Sports Afternoon 4.10.2016

15.9.2016 klo 14:30

The Sports Afternoon is a biannual event organised by ISYY, POKA and SYKETTÄ sports services. You can participate if you are student or staff person of UEF or KUAS. The purpose of the Sports Afternoon is to give our students and staff an opportunity to try new sports for a very affordable price (or for […]

Loivasti liikkeelle -sessions

14.9.2016 klo 09:24

Loivasti liikkeelle (LL)  -sessions (Loivasti liikkeelle = Easy Exercise )  have arrived to Joensuu’s Sykettä university sports services. The focus on these sessions lies mostly in body maintenance and they are perfect for th...

SYKETTÄ PROUDLY PRESENTS: The new Sports calendars for autumn 2016!

17.8.2016 klo 15:14

1) SYKETTÄ is full of energy, good spirit and new experiences! We proudly present to you our sports calendars for autumn 2016. They have been published just today! Did you know that you can use all SYKETTÄ services in any camp...

Joensuu Sports Afternoon 9.2.2016

19.1.2016 klo 11:38

The Sports Afternoon is a biannual event organised by Sykettä sports services. You can participate if you are student or staff person of UEF or KUAS. The purpose of the Sports Afternoon is to give our students an opportunity to t...

Kilometrikisa cyckling challenge is here again!

16.12.2015 klo 15:28

Kilometrikisa, a lighthearted, free competition for teams that is open for every workplaces, departments, associations, clubs or any other teams, aims to encourage bicycle commuting and promote everyday cycling. Kilometrikisa to...
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