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Enroll on the SYKETTÄ physical activity tests on sports afternoon!

30.1.2024 klo 12:41

SYKETTÄ will organize the physical activity tests in cooperation with Sports Institute of Eastern Finland (ISLO), Pohjois-Karjalan Liikunta ry (Pokali, sports and exercise expert organization of Eastern Finland) and learning and service environment Tarmo of Karelia UAS on Tuesday 13.2.2024 at sports afternoon. The physical activity tests have two different test sets, from which you […]

Free trial period has ended – don’t forget to purchase a SYKETTÄ sticker!

22.1.2024 klo 09:49

All users must have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker from this day 22.1. on when using the services. You can buy the sticker on our online shop or via the mobile application (Finnish bank account is required). Download the SYKETTÄ mobile...

Winter cycling competition Kilometrikisa has kicked off!

3.1.2024 klo 12:32

SYKETTÄ is participating in the winter cycling competition Kilometrikisa, which will be held between 1.1.-29.2.2024. All UEF and Karelia UAS staff members and students are welcome to attend SYKETTÄ Joensuu team! Kilometrikisa...

Free trial period 8.-21.1.2024.

3.1.2024 klo 08:28

At the start of the autumn and spring semesters, you have a chance to try out SYKETTÄ sports services without a valid SYKETTÄ sticker. This spring, the free trial period is held 8.-21.1.2024. During the free trial period, you...

Access rights to the gyms must be applied by 17.12.2023

17.11.2023 klo 08:39

Access rights for the end of the year to Portti54, Tikkarinne gym and Joensuu Areena gym must be applied by 17.12.2023. The last autumn access rights will be added in week 51. Access rights will be added again in the spring from 8...
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