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Sports courses of autumn: Powerlifting and weightlifting course

19.9.2023 klo 12:58

What: Powerlifting and weightlifting course When: On Tuesdays 26.9.-17.10. at 5pm-6:30pm (in week 40 exceptionally on Thursday 5.10.) Where: Portti54 Katri Hirvonen, multiple discus and shot-put medalist from Joensuu Kataja, will instruct a four-time course where powerlifting and weightlifting techniques are practiced. The purpose of the course is to learn safe and right techniques. Enrollment […]

Free trial period has ended – don’t forget to purchase a SYKETTÄ sticker!

15.9.2023 klo 12:45

All users must have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker from this day 15.9. on when using the services. You can buy the sticker on our online shop or via the mobile application (Finnish bank account is required). Download the SYKETTÄ mobile...

Sports afternoon schedule is now published!

14.9.2023 klo 16:04

Sports afternoon of autumn 2023 will be held on Wednesday 4.10.2023. The UEF and Karelia UAS hold a sports afternoon together and by the decision of the university rectors, the sports afternoon is lecture-free from 12:15pm. On spo...

Access right to Portti54 gym

8.9.2023 klo 13:51

Access rights to gyms are valid according to the validity of the SYKETTÄ sticker until 31.8. or 31.12. The application form must be filled out again every time you purchase a new SYKETTÄ sticker. Access to Portti54 must be appli...

Open day at Portti54 gym

6.9.2023 klo 09:30

Welcome to visit the new SYKETTÄ gym Portti54! Open day at Portti54 on Wednesday 13.9. at 10am-8pm. SYKETTÄ Joensuu employees and instrcurtos will show the gym and guide in the use of the equipment at 12noon-5pm. Portti54 is ...
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