Sports Afternoon 25.2.2025
Sports afternoon schedule
The spring Sports afternoon will be held in Joensuu on Tuesday 25.2.2025.
The University of Eastern Finland and the Karelia University of Applied Sciences hold a sports afternoon together. By the decision of the university rectors, the sports afternoons are lecture-free from 12:15 pm. On sports afternoon, in addition to the normal SYKETTÄ sports services, a wide variety of different exercise options are available for students and staff members. Some activities include a separate fee and a limited number of participants are accepted, so it is recommended to enroll on the activities in good time!
Please note that changes are possible! The schedule will be updated after the date of publication 4.2.2025.
The program will be published on Tuesday 4.2.2025. Enrollment times are event-specific. Enrollments via SYKETTÄ sports calendar start one week before the event, on Tuesday 18.2.2025. All sports classes at SYKETTÄ sports calendar on 25.2.2025 are also included in Sports afternoon. You can participate in all Sports afternoon activities without a valid SYKETTÄ sticker, but you must register as a user and enroll on classes and turns.
NB! You can’t enroll on classes and turns in the sports calendar via mobile application without a valid SYKETTÄ sticker – if you don’t have a sticker, you have to enroll via sports calendar on the website!
UPDATED – 10.2. at 1pm – added Curling, Escape Rooms (organized by Pakotarinat) and Swimming
UPDATED – 12.2. at 9am – added Aerial yoga (organized by Tanssikeskus Euforia)
UPDATED – 18.2. at 2pm – added Archery and links to Sports Calendar
Aerial yoga
Aerial yoga class at Tanssikeskus Euforia for 10€/class, payment on the spot by bank card. Enrollment starts 18.2.2025 and ends 24.2.2025 exactly one day before the class starts. The minimum number of participants for class is 5. If the class is cancelled due to a low number of participants, we will send an email to those who have enrolled after the enrolling time has ended.
Time: At 3pm-4pm
Plce: Tanssikeskus Euforia, Kaislakatu 3 B
Enrollment opens via SYKETTÄ sports calendar on 18.2. at 3pm
Archery (organized by Joutsi)
Joutsi ry offers two archery classes on Sports Afternoon 25.2.2025.
The First group is at 13-14:30 and the second one at 14:30-16. Location is on Noljakka indoor shooting range (Noljakankari 1,
Maximum 10 participants per group. 5 € per participant pay when you have filled the form to secure your enrollment.
OBS! Payment can not be refunded.
Enroll for the group 1 at 1pm, R1 via this link
Enroll for the group 2 at 2:30pm, R2 via this link
Payment details in the forms
Boffering, more commonly known as soft sword/padded weapon fighting, is an easy and safe martial art that models old weapon fighting styles with cheap and soft instruments. All boffer equipment is padded to ensure the safetyness of the sport without the need of other protective equipment. This sport can be done for the fun of it or for learning some historical weapon fighting. At its core, boffering is about having a fun way of getting some sweat on. In this trial lesson we learn the basic rules of the sport, try out one-on-one fighting and then get in to group fighting scenarios. For the lesson you only need clothes that fit indoor excercise environment, shoes that can be used in an indoor activity and a water bottle. If you wish you may also take with you some gloves (for example: cycling gloves) for the protection of your hands or protective goggles (for example: floorball goggles).
Time: At 12:30pm-2pm
Place: Mehtimäki hall (Motonet Areena) pedagogical room, Kisapolku 1. The entrance is from the back of the building on the university side through doors E and F, door F leads to the women’s changing rooms and door E leads to the men’s changing rooms.
Enrollment opens via SYKETTÄ sports calendar on 18.2. at 12:30noon
Bouldering and wall climbing (organized by Ote Climbing Center)
Ote Climbing Center offers one time climbing with a student card for 10€ and staff card for 13€ including rental shoes.
The climbing centre is open on Sports afternoon at 1pm-9pm.
Address: Pilkontie 7
Cosmic bowling, billiards & darts
Sports Afternoon at Cosmic!
- Bowling 6€/1h/person (includes shoes)
- Billiard 6€/1h/person.
- Darts 4€/1h/dartboard
Cosmic is open from 12noon to 10:30pm.
More information and booking:
Address: Yläsatamakatu 5
Curling (organized by Joensuu Curling)
Joensuu’s curling ry is once again participating in the SYKETTÄ Sports afternoon with instructed curling. Price 10€/person (payment at curling hall with exact change in cash or card payment). Bring warm sports clothes, indoor game shoes and your own drinking bottle. Enrollment on the try out from 18.2. via SYKETTÄ sports calendar.
Schedule of the turns (max. 16 people / turn): At 1pm-3pm: Enrolling via SYKETTÄ calendar
Address: Linnunlahdentie 14, in the same yard as Kuntokeidas, on the corner of the dog park.
Dance classes (organized by Cat People dance school)
Dance classes at Cat People dance school for 5€/class, payment at the dance school by bank card.
At 1pm-1:45pm Hip Hop, open level
At 2pm-2:45pm Jazz dance, open level
Enrollment starts 11.2.2025 and ends 24.2.2025 exactly one day before the class starts. The minimum number of participants for each class is 5. If the class is cancelled due to a low number of participants, we will send an email to those who have enrolled after the enrolling time has ended.
Address: Kuurnankatu 28
Enrollment opens via SYKETTÄ sports calendar on 11.2. at 1pm: Hip hop, open level
Enrollment opens via SYKETTÄ sports calendar on 11.2. at 2pm: Jazztanssi, open level
Escape Rooms (organized by Huonepakopeli)
On the sports afternoon, you have a chance to try the popular room escape games for a special price. You have 60 minutes to escape the locked room by combining clues, solving riddles and using logic. Details are added later
More detailed descriptions of the games can be found on Huonepakopeli’s website
Escape Rooms (organized by Pakotarinat)
On the sports afternoon, you have a chance to try the popular room escape games for a special price of 18 €/person, pay at Pakotarinat. You have 60 minutes to escape the locked room by combining clues, solving riddles and using logic.
More detailed descriptions of the games can be found on Pakotarinat’s website
Cirkus (Pakotarinat, Teollisuuskatu 11 B)
At 12.15 noon and at 3.30pm (Group size 2-6)
Secrets of the Past (Pakotarinat, Teollisuuskatu 11 B)
At 12.15 noon and at 3.30pm (Group size 2-6)
Witch of the Enchanted Forest (Pakotarinat, Teollisuuskatu 11 B)
At 12.15 noon, and at 3:30pm (Group size 2-5)
Enrollments via (open 12.2. at 10:00am until 23.2. at 11:55pm)
Joensuun Kuntokeidas
Now you have a chance to try out all sports of Kuntokeidas with very low prices! For a total price of 12,50€ you can try out as many sports as you want between 12noon-4pm (max 1 hour per sports). The price includes all necessary equipment rentals. Includes bowling, squash, badminton, padel, pickleball, billiard, airhockey, gym, table tennis and ninja track. You can also book a turn beforehand. Bookings by phone at 013 126558 or simply arriving. By calling makes sure you get to the sport you want at the time that suits you best.
NB! The best time to go bowling and playing padel is from 2pm onwards.
Address: Linnunlahdentie 10
Kuntokeskus Energy gyms
All UEF and Karelia UAS students and staff members can work out free of charge at Kuntokeskus Energy’s gyms (Metropol, Karhunmäki, Rantakylä and Ylämylly) on Sports afternoon at 12noon-4pm. Please inform the gym on arrival which university you are coming from.
Energy Metropol, Torikatu 31
Energy Karhunmäki, Kartanotie 1
Energy Rantakylä, Ranta-Mutalantie 100
Energy Ylämylly, Rännitie 3
Megazone Laser Tag Game (organized by Megazone Joensuu)
Megazone Laser Tag Game at Sports Afternoon! Laser tag is played in a dimly lit, maze where players are provided with high tech vests and awesome but harmless laser guns. Players then try to score points by deactivating other players’ vests and destroying their bases.
Megazone special offer for Sports Afternoon 14€/person. Two game sessions at 2pm-3pm and at 3pm-4pm, register via SYKETTÄ Sports Calendar. Pay at Megazone.
At 2pm-3pm: Enrolling via SYKETTÄ calendar
At 3pm-4pm: Enrolling via SYKETTÄ calendar
Address: Sortavalankatu 2, 80100 Joensuu
Read more at the homepage:
Open day at Portti54 gym
Welcome to train at Portti54 gym on sports afternoon! Open day at the gym at 10am-4pm when you can visit the gym without a valid SYKETTÄ sticker.
Address: Tulliportinkatu 54. Nuorisoverstas and Combat Heaven are located in the same building. Access to the gym is from the right side of the building
More information about Portti54 gym:
Physical activity tests
SYKETTÄ will organize the physical activity tests in cooperation with Sports Institute of Eastern Finland (ISLO), Pohjois-Karjalan Liikunta ry (Pokali, sports and exercise expert organization of Eastern Finland), learning and service environment TARMO of Karelia UAS and TestLab Mehtimäki project on sports afternoon 25.2.2025. The physical activity tests have two different test sets, from which you can choose the option that suits you: the low intensity tests and the active exerciser tests.
Low intensity tests
Tests include:
– Hand grip
– Waist circumference
– Inbody body composition measurement
– Endurance fitness assessment with Polar measuring devices
– Group feedback
To whom are low intensity tests suitable for? To you who
– Prefer to do sports on the couch than on the running track
– Want reliable information about your physical condition without significant effort
Duration of testing about 1h
– Low intensity tests are held between 12:30pm and 4pm
– 8 groups, 10 places / group (5 places available in 3:30pm and 4pm groups)
Enrollment is open until Friday 21.2.2025 at 12noon
Enrollment form opens on 4.2.2025 at 2pm
Active exerciser tests
Tests include:
– Standing long jump
– Sit-up
– Push-up
– Cooper or UKK 2 km walk test
+ Inbody (booked individually for a different day after the test)
To whom are active exerciser tests suitable for? To you who
– Spend more time in the gym or on the running track than on Netflix
– Want to sweat, try hard and make the most of your body at one go
Duration of testing about 1,5h
– Active exerciser tests at 1pm-2:30pm and 2:30pm-4pm
– 2 groups, 20 places / group
Enrollment is open until Friday 21.2.2025 at 12noon
Enrollment form opens on 4.2.2025 at 2pm
Power output measurement and the introduction of the TestLab Mehtimäki sports testing center (organized by TestLab Mehtimäki project)
Welcome to try power output measurement! At the same time, you can visit TestLab Mehtimäki’s sports testing center on the 2nd floor of Joensuu Areena. Also on display is, for example, a skate skiing mat, which offers top-class training and testing opportunities. Non-stop power output testing, meaning there is no separate enrollment. You can come and visit the testing center at any time during the event between 12:30pm-4pm.
TestLab Mehtimäki presents power output measurement with an acceleration sensor – come try out and see how power output is currently measured with sensors. Expert of the testing center will guide you in performing the test, tell you about the background of the method and help you see the results of your own power output in real time. The test aims to perform the desired movements as quickly as possible, such as deadlifts, and the acceleration sensor measures the power output with the desired load.
Time: 12:30pm-4pm
Place: Joensuu Areena, Mehtimäenaukio 2. Entrance through the main doors of Joensuu Areena. In the lobby, instruction to the testing center on the 2nd floor.
More information about the TestLab Mehtimäki project:
All UEF and Karelia UAS students and staff members can work out free of charge at Ptvgym (Teollisuuskatu 5-7) on Sports afternoon on 25.2.2025.
- Download “PTV Gym” -app
- Register to Joensuu gym
- Purchase one time visit at the webstore, use code syke100. You will receive the one time visit for free. App is used to access the gym.
Swimming at swimming hall Vesikko on Sports afternoon at 12noon-4pm
Swimming in Vesikko costs for students 4,60€/person (with gym access 5,30€/person) and for staff members 6,80€/person (with gym access 7,60€/person). Payment at the info of the swimming hall. Show your student card at the info.
Address: Uimarintie 1
Enrollment via SYKETTÄ sports calendar
Swimming at swimming hall Rantakylä on Sports afternoon at 12noon-4pm
Swimming in Rantakylä costs for students 3,10€/person (with gym access 4,20€/person) and for staff members 5,10€/person (with gym access 6,10€/person). Payment at the info of the swimming hall. Prepare to show your student card at the info.
Address: Pataluodonkatu 2
Enrollment via SYKETTÄ sports calendar
Tennis (organized by Karjalan Tennis KarTe)
As an extra of the sports afternoon, tennis turns at the KarTe tennis hall at 2pm-3pm, three courts. For non-cancellable and unused court reservations, we charge the tennis court rent. Bring your own rackets and balls, ISYY members and SYKETTÄ users can borrow them from the ISYY office if necessary.
Address: Hallitie 3
Enrollment opens via SYKETTÄ sports calendar on 18.2. at 2pm
Walking and running analysis (organized by TestLab Mehtimäki project)
TestLab Mehtimäki project’s non-stop walking and running anlysis at Joensuu Areena’s running tracks, where you get information about your walking. Includes walking/running measurement with OptoGait equipment. There is no separate enrollment, you can just show up and take part in the measurement in order of arrival.
Time: 12:30pm-5pm
Place: Joensuu Areena, Mehtimäenaukio 2. Entrance through the main doors of Joensuu Areena. In the lobby, instruction to the changing rooms and running tracks.
More information about the TestLab Mehtimäki project: