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Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /home/syketta/public_html/syketta.fi/releases/50/wp-content/themes/syketta/templates/liikuntatapahtuma.php on line 206
We are exercising efficiently and variously in this class, at your own level and with your own style. Stair workout develops well running condition, oxygen uptake and perseverance. The class includes good warm-ups, a training part with many different styles and restorative cool down. Please bring a water bottle and grab the opportunity with an open mind :)
Laululava is located next to the racetrack.
Users allowed to participate
University of Eastern Finland, Students
University of Eastern Finland, Staff members
Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Students
Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Staff members
Payment types allowed to participate
Ball games - 2021/2022 (33€)
Ball games - Autumn 2021 (17€)
Group exercise - 2021/2022 (66€)
Group exercise - Autumn 2021 (35€)
You can cancel enrollment no later than 2 hours before the event.